The ideal height to dig at for ore in the Overworld, as of version 1.18.2:
Ore | y-level | Effective range1 |
Emerald2 | 87 | 68 to 107 |
Coal | 45 | 17 to 67 |
Copper | 44 | 2 to 61 |
Iron | 14 | -9 to 36 |
Lapis Lazuli | -2 | -23 to 20 |
Gold | -18 | -40 to 3 |
Gold (lower) | -51 | -59 to -49 |
Redstone | -59 | -59 to 12 |
Diamond | -59 | -59 to -7 |
The ideal height to dig at for ore in the Nether, as of version 1.18.2:
Ore | y-level | Effective range1 |
Nether Quartz | 114 | 111 to 115 |
Nether Gold | 114 | 111 to 115 |
Ancient Debris | 16 | 14 to 18 |
Nether Quartz (lower) | 10 | 9 to 21 |
Nether Gold (lower) | 10 | 9 to 21 |
[1] "Effective range" i.e. ore may appear outside of this range, but it's at such a small quantity that it's not worth searching for. I chose these ranges by eye-balling the charts bwl
[2] Appeaers in such small quantities that your time would be better served making some sort of farm for villagers bwl
Block | Instrument | Sound event names |
Material: wood | Bass (String Bass) | block.note_block.bass |
Material: sand, gravel, concrete powder | Snare Drum | block.note_block.snare |
Material: glass | Clicks and Sticks (Hihat) | block.note_block.hat |
Material: stone****** | Bass Drum (Kick) | block.note_block.basedrum |
Block of gold | Bells (Glockenspiel) | block.note_block.bell |
Clay | Flute | block.note_block.flute |
Packed ice | Chimes | block.note_block.chime |
Wool | Guitar | block.note_block.guitar |
Bone block | Xylophone | block.note_block.xylophone |
Block of iron | Iron Xylophone (Vibraphone) | block.note_block.iron_xylophone |
Soul sand | Cowbell | block.note_block.cow_bell |
Pumpkin | Didgeridoo | block.note_block.didgeridoo |
Block of emerald | "Bit" (Square wave) | block.note_block.bit |
Hay bale | Banjo | block.note_block.banjo |
Glowstone | "Pling" (Electric piano) | block.note_block.pling |
Any other blocks | Harp/piano | block.note_block.harp |