

Ore distribution

source: minecraft.wiki

The ideal height to dig at for ore in the Overworld, as of version 1.18.2:

Ore y-level Effective range1
Emerald2 87 68 to 107
Coal 45 17 to 67
Copper 44 2 to 61
Iron 14 -9 to 36
Lapis Lazuli -2 -23 to 20
Gold -18 -40 to 3
Gold (lower) -51-59 to -49
Redstone -59-59 to 12
Diamond -59 -59 to -7

The ideal height to dig at for ore in the Nether, as of version 1.18.2:

Ore y-level Effective range1
Nether Quartz 114 111 to 115
Nether Gold 114 111 to 115
Ancient Debris 16 14 to 18
Nether Quartz (lower) 10 9 to 21
Nether Gold (lower) 10 9 to 21

[1] "Effective range" i.e. ore may appear outside of this range, but it's at such a small quantity that it's not worth searching for. I chose these ranges by eye-balling the charts bwl

[2] Appeaers in such small quantities that your time would be better served making some sort of farm for villagers bwl

Ore distribution charts for Minecraft 1.18.2. Figure A is total amount of ore per y-level. Figure B is total amount of ore per y-level, on a log scale. Figure C is fraction of ore blocks neglecting non-solid and decorative blocks.

source: minecraft.wiki

A Balanced Diet

Apple Golden Apple Notch Apple
Carrot Golden Carrot
Potato Baked Potato Poisonous Potato
Baked Goods
Beef Raw Cooked
Chicken Raw Cooked
Cod Raw Cooked
Mutton Raw Cooked
Pork Raw Cooked
Rabbit Raw Cooked
Salmon Raw Cooked
Tropical Fish Raw
Soups and Stews
Gross Stuff

Note Block instruments

Block Instrument Sound event names
Material: wood Bass (String Bass) block.note_block.bass
Material: sand, gravel, concrete powder Snare Drum block.note_block.snare
Material: glass Clicks and Sticks (Hihat) block.note_block.hat
Material: stone****** Bass Drum (Kick) block.note_block.basedrum
Block of gold Bells (Glockenspiel) block.note_block.bell
Clay Flute block.note_block.flute
Packed ice Chimes block.note_block.chime
Wool Guitar block.note_block.guitar
Bone block Xylophone block.note_block.xylophone
Block of iron Iron Xylophone (Vibraphone) block.note_block.iron_xylophone
Soul sand Cowbell block.note_block.cow_bell
Pumpkin Didgeridoo block.note_block.didgeridoo
Block of emerald "Bit" (Square wave) block.note_block.bit
Hay bale Banjo block.note_block.banjo
Glowstone "Pling" (Electric piano) block.note_block.pling
Any other blocks Harp/piano block.note_block.harp